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2019 MSCA mtg minutes September 14, 2019
1. President Kasey Wacker calls the meeting to order. Announcement is made that sheets are circulating around the room for members that are interested in running for one of the elected positions. 2. Office Reports 1. Secretary--Ceil McDonald said minutes are posted on the MSCA website. Minutes approved 2. Treasurer--Zach, we have money, about $7,300. We have big expenses coming in from CTAM, but membership dues also coming in. Looking for grant applications. 3. President-elect--Ross Eichele. No report. 4. Past President--Mike Worcester. Talked about the selection of judges for sections and state. Know that state and section judges are through the MSHSL, not MSCA. Only 30& of schools voted this past year. We need to do better. Mike has data for us to see which parts of the state tend not to vote. 5. Information Coordinator--Scott Sieling--send session info to him to get on website 3. Committee Reports 1. Advisory Committee a. Advisory review session was on Friday. Advisory next meets on October 7. We have elections today for two new positions.Current advisory members also express desire for longer terms to be able to see things through. b. Linda Neugebauer (AA) and Stewart Wilson (A) go off Advisory now. We will have elections today for their positions. Meg Krekeler (AA) and Karen Lee (A) are the members that continue. c. Persons wishing to submit proposals must use the submission form, linked on the MSCA website after state speech and until May 1, 2020. 2. MSHSL- Bonnie Spohn Schmaltz a. The Board is looking at a framework for submitting proposals. Our proposals went to the board before going to the membership and that was not well-received. We should look to change. Presenting proposals to MSHSL will appear more cohesive and we will be more accessible to all members (not just those in attendance at CTAM) b. Schools will now all have Activities Directors, not just Athletic Directors. Fine Arts panels will be invited to present at their yearly conference. We have an opportunity to educate the ADs in all MN districts. c. MSHSL has budget problems, partly due to sponsorship issues. d. New section assignments will occur in 2021-2022. e. Bonnie’s terms ends August 2019. This is NOT an MSCA position as the position also represents META and the MDTA. Members of all three activities may run for the position and the vote will include all three organizations. f. Jill Lofald asks about how the MSHSL markets itself; in the past it has done so primarily as athletics...should be more inclusive of the fine arts. As Bonnie is the president, speech and fine arts has a bit more visibility on the board of directors. g. Region speech reps should check membership lists and encourage coaches who are not members of the MSCA to join, by pointing out the benefits such as eligibility for all-state recognition for students, etc 3. State Tournament Jury-- a. Cliff Janke reported on the 2019 jury deliberations. He said the jury was very kid-centered in their approach. b. Approximately 70% of the protests dealt with timing issues. He is concerned that our lack of a standard procedure of signalling the end of the time period may do a disservice to our students. Is time up when they stand…? With card? We need to have a standardized process for Room Managers. c. Question...will there be more transparency about issues brought up, how they were resolved, so that the broader membership understands better…Rachel says that the jury has a document with reasoning that is communicated to the coach. If no action is taken, no notification. She expressed concern about identifying info if this document were shared with all the membership. Cliff makes a report to the Advisory about protests at state, cleaned of identifying info. Could be shared with all. d. Kasey says a protest was made and dismissed at sections that then showed up at state. Should that be included in what goes to state? Cliff reminds us that section decisions are not binding at state. 4. MSHSL Hall of Fame Committee - Jennifer Parker, Eric Meyer a. An Invitation to the HOF celebration was sent via the listserv b. Cliff Janke is the speech inductee. The announcement was greeted with an ovation from our organization for his long service and achievements. 5. New Coach Mentorship Update - Jody Saxton West a. If you know of a new coach in your area, please let Jody know. ( [email protected] ) b. Discussion task bank deadline is Dec 13. c. Know that MSCA and CTAM listservs are different. Be sure you are on both so as not to miss information. 6. State tournament a. Thank you to Jerod Nelson and Wayzata HS for a successful first year. We look forward to a 2nd year. Jerod says to check information that Wayzata sends out as to where to park. b. Online voting for judges. Harkening back to Mike W’s concerns mentioned in the Past President’s report, Roxy talks about all the calls Cliff gets each year from complaining about not being on the list of judges, and Cliff responds if people voted in your section maybe I wouldn’t be getting this call. 4. New Business 1. Membership voting a. On-line voting for MSCA. We will use electronic voting today but it will only be open to the membership in attendance today. The Executive Board is looking seriously at how we can use on-line voting in the future within our Constitution or submitting proposals to the membership for amendments to the Constitution to make on-line voting possible. There was much discussion on whether the proposals will be available this year online for people who are not here at our meeting. Some had left yesterday’s sessions believing an on-line vote WOULD certainly happen this year. We did not reach consensus, but in the end we decided that the Constitutional issues and the concern about making a change at the last minute in order to extend voting to those not in attendance was not advisable.. b. We must vote on proposals passed by the advisory. As per the changes instituted in 2016, *All proposals passed by advisory in May will go to MSHSL for approval in October UNLESS the MSCA membership votes AGAINST the proposal TODAY c. 60% or more of membership in attendance at CTAM in favor of the proposal advances the proposal to MSHSL i. We need to be a cohesive membership and present proposals representative of our body d. Items up for voting were discussed in an advisory board session and specific sessions on the proposals on Friday afternoon at CTAM. The meeting agenda stated that little discussion would be provided during the MSCA meeting. i. Proposal 1: Make POI a 14th category. Amy French (Cotter), the coach that put together the original proposal, spoke briefly about the proposal urging its adoption. The vote was 60.4%. It will move on to the MSHSL Board for consideration. ii. Proposal 2: Add semi-final round of 6 speakers each to the state tournament, advancing 6 speakers to the finals. Travis Rother, the coach that put together the original proposal, spoke briefly about the proposal urging its adoption. The vote was 45.7% in favor. The proposal will be pulled from the MSHSL agenda in October. iii. Advisory Committee Members 1. Expand terms for Advisory Committee members to three (3) years. Rachel Schott amended the proposal to four (4) years. Seconded by Rhys. The proposal passed on a voice vote. Cliff expressed concern that we were moving too quickly. 2. Elections were held for the new AA and A reps. A Advisory election Audree NYM Jacob Burkman-Pine River Baccus Mikaela Kritz-Melrose elected AA Advisory election Cort Sylvester-Rosemount elected Luke Ostrander-AV Thor Mattick-Princeton Keith Bistideau-Edina 3. Can we make the MSHSL rep a member of the board? Moved by Scott Kallestad and seconded by Meg Krekeler and PASSED unanimously 4. Linda N wants to discuss changes to advisory. Kasey wants to discuss at Oct mtg and discuss further next year, voting at that time. Group concurs 5. Linda wants to collect data. iv. State Tournament Jury Member 1. New A Representative By acclamation, Kathleen Walker-Fairmont is our new Jury member 4. We are soliciting members interested in serving on a committee for streamlining proposal, procedural changes, and voting processes for MSCA membership. The following signed up for said committee: Heather Finholm--Red Wing [email protected] Amy French--Cotter Claire Sagstuen--John Marshall [email protected] Jen Dunn-Foster--JM [email protected] Angie Klein--Pequot Lakes [email protected] Mary Miller--Melrose [email protected] Travis Rother-Chan [email protected] Zach Prax-Eastview [email protected] Jack Ellis-Lakeville North [email protected] Roxy Janke-retired [email protected] Ross Eichele-Eagan [email protected] Linda Neugebauer-Worthington [email protected] Ceil McDonald-SSP [email protected] 5. Concerns about Discussion and Extemp Speaking procedural changes should have been communicated to our membership more appropriately 6. A question was raised about how COY is determined at the various subsection, section, and state level. Should there be the same standard for all? This is an MSCA award so recipients should be MSCA members. 7. Establish a committee to gather, formalize, and curate the history of the organization. Ross Eichele will chair this committee. Volunteers for the Committee to curate history Carol Sylvester Rosemount [email protected] Rachel Schott (CA-CGB) [email protected] Adam Wiebe (CA-CGB) [email protected] Tim Newcomb (Forest Lake) [email protected] 1. President Mike Worcester calls the meeting to order. 2. Reports MSHSL Board of Directors: Bonnie...thanks to Chris Franson for his work these past several years, and best wishes on his new endeavors. We will miss him! As our representative to the League, she reminds us that the League must balance time demands on kids, on budgets, etc. when making decisions. Secretary: Ceil, nothing to report. Treasurer: Zach...normally membership has run about 170-180. Last year we were over 200. The new all-state program and the organization awards have helped boost membership. Kudos to Jason, Scott, and Tim Coleman for their leadership of these awards programs. It not only recognizes excellence, but has provided financial stability to the MSCA. Past President: Jason--nothing to report President-elect: Kasey--has enjoyed being of June 1 will have much more responsibility. President: Mike--membership good but we can do even better. Zach will send out an updated membership list in a couple of weeks. Also regarding balloting for state judges, we can also do better...only one vote for school. Remember to vote. Also, remember that this is a renewal be eligible for judging at sections and state, you must take the online test and pay fee. There is a second piece, an application for state judging. Registration due by Nov 1. 3. Committee Reports Speech Advisory: Oct 2, Tuesday, speech advisory...another meeting in May...Mikayla, Linda, Joni, a link to submit proposals Advisory Committee Elections: Candidates elected are listed in bold. Deb Fenlayson (Wrenshall) and Karen Lee (Parkers Prairie) for Class A. AA candidates are Mark Thul (St Francis) and Meg Krekeler (Lakeville North). MSHSL: State Tournament Jury: The current “A” rep is Rachel Schott through 2019 The current “AA” rep is Dillon White, through 2020 We must now select a new “At-large” rep. Candidates are: Thor Mattick (Princeton), Mark Thul (St Francis), and Daniel Hodges (AV) 2019 STATE TOURNAMENT: State Tournament is at WAYZATA HIGH SCHOOL April 12 (Class A) and April 13 (Class AA). The early date (due to Easter) means that our 2019 section tournament calendar is compressed. Also the League is calling for future tournament sites. Anyone wishing to be considered for hosting for 2021-2022 should make your interest known sooner rather than later! Check with the MSHSL for further information. MSCA WEBSITE... Join and contribute to the site. Find it at Scott Sieling will post any materials from sessions if you send it to him. [email protected] FB page is also a place to post things...See Scott Listserv---if you don’t get the emails, check with your school tech...may be going to Spam. Tournament calendar is still available through the CTAM website. CATEGORY COMMITTEES: DISCUSSION (Rachel Schott) All articles hyperlinked. Contact Rachel or Mike with questions you might have. Jodi Saxton West will once again coordinate a task bank. Info will come out in November asking for people to offer. Deadline is Dec 14. STORYTELLING --PDF packet available on the web site. If you click on the link to the Gutenberg Project, go to it for more information about the story. It also includes a word list with pronunciation of foreign words. EX RDG--Bradbury again...on the hunt for another collection for next year. Poetry book is new. Now chapter lists rather than individual poems. THE SEASHELL ANTHOLOGY of GREAT POETRY. Don’t need to worry about the super short poems. HALL OF FAME: (Eric Meyer and Jennifer Parker...) are looking for nominations. Please submit. Form is on the website. NEW COACH MENTORSHIP:...Jody Saxton West will again coordinate. Also, asks that if you hold a judge training session, please post and invite others to attend...Yatesh and Liz shared a ppt last year If you are a tournament manager, consider offering a new coach a judge waiver so that they can be in the tabroom to network and learn more about the activity. OLD BUSINESS: Professional Development Opportunities Special Visitor: Zach introduced Erik Dominguez from the NSDA. He gave a session at CTAM about motivation for students. He wants to make things easier...3 clicks and a access resources from the website. He wants to hear our concerns and needs. Also reached out to non NSDA schools. Tell him why, for example. SPEAK 2 COMPETE will have two sessions in summer 2019; a 4-and an 8-day session; one at Concordia-Moorhead (July 13-20) and St Thomas (July 22-25). Runs concurrent with the student programs. Jenn Baese says, yes, expensive, but really a very good program. NEW BUSINESS: PRESIDENT-ELECT from AA. Only candidate: Ross Eichele (Eagan) Dave Pritchett nominated and Mark Thul seconded and Ross was elected by acclamation. Ideas from CTAM Sessions: Many great sessions, some passionate opinions...explanation of form on website to send a proposal to speech advisory. Technically doesn’t come from this body to the league, but generally the Advisory board wants to know what our organization thinks. State Tournament Jury DQ decisions: Dillon will ensure that next year any DQ decisions will be summarized and posted on the MSHSL website. OTHER: CTAM 2019: September 12-14, 2019, second year of a three-year contract here in St Cloud CTAM BOARD POSITION: Kasey Wacker is looking for someone to take on her middle school seat on the CTAM board as she prepares for her term as MSCA President. Contact her if interested. Agenda completed and meeting adjourned Respectfully, Ceil McDonald Secretary 16 September 2017
MSCA Annual Meeting 1. President Worcester called the meeting to order.
Rachel Schott, “A” Rep through 2019 Need to elect new “AA” rep to replace Jody Saxton-West. An election was held with two candidates, Chris McDonald and Dillon White. Dillon White was elected. 2. The 2018 State Tournament will be hosted again at Apple Valley High School. April 20 is AA and April 21 is A. 3. Wayzata HS will host in 2019 and 2020. 4. Any school interested in hosting in future years should contact Chris Franson sooner rather than later. Many districts plan their calendar out 2-3 years ahead. 5. CLIFF.. We have a new process for protests at State. If you think there are rules either unnecessary or needed, must send to speech advisory or directly to Franson. Be sure to use his new email address. D. MSCA
E. Category Committees
V. NEW business:
D. MSCA email.
use school email that has spam filter. 2. Please fill our evaluation form for conference. Highest attendance this year, even beat last year. 17 September 2016
MSCA Annual Meeting
b. The newsletter, The Real 1-100, was published for the first time to great reception 7. Jason asks, what are we doing to directly affect students? He suggests a new committee. Possibilities are: a. Possible scholarships b. Are we interested in developing an All-State team? Not tied to state championships… maybe tied to team leadership and development? Criteria would be set, but the number of awards could vary greatly… People interested: Sandra Wieser-Matthews and others. 8. Committee Reports A. Advisory Committee Update from May, 2016 mtg. We changed the order of the process this year, voting as a committee on an issue and moving it on to the MSHSL Region committees, before having the issue discussed and voted on at MSCA mtg. When this was done, the understanding was that if it didn’t receive support from MSCA, the policy would not be sent on the MSHSL Advisory Board. Maybe the process is something that could/should be developed. B. Rule Clinician, Cliff Janke a. Email was hacked so if you haven’t heard from him, please email him again. [email protected] b. Questions or concerns, please contact him. Will direct to the right spot if necessary. Can also send to Chris Franson c. Rules at sections/subsections…is worried about what is happening. Rules violations even at subsection prelims, penalty should be assessed…not just warning to fix…unfair to the other student who is following the rules…remember all the students, not just the one with the violation d. Need a committee to look at publication rules…currently not much of a written policy. Volunteers are: Ceil McDonald Mark Thul Jennifer Parker Dale Neuschandeer Rachel Evenson April Clark Mark Quilan Julie McMerty Kathleen Perry (Fairmount) Erik Walker Luke Ostrander (AV) Jake Devine (Mounds View) Deb Beckman (Cotter) [email protected] Jenn Baese Rebecca Meyer-Larson 9. ELECTIONS a. Candidates for President Elect Class A (elected candidate in bold) Casey Wacker (NYM) Lucy Lloyd (BBE) b. Jury Member Class A Rachel Schott Chokia Alberta Jennifer Parker-Blackduck c. Advisory-class A Mikayla Critz-Melrose Jennifer Parker-Blackduck d. Advisory AA Tom Lucas-Bemidji, Cort Sylvester-Rosemount Dave Pritschet-Brainerd Joni Anker-Eagan 10. MSCA website—anyone with CTAM handouts can send to Scott Sieling and he will post them. 11. State will be at AV the next two years (2017-2018)…open to interested hosts for 2019 and 2020. Wayzata possible interested; talk to Chris Franson 12. Do we want to maintain the tournament calendar on the MSCA website? Yes, The tournament calendar is still used by many. 13. DISCUSSION--Rachel Schott Document on website, contact them with questions. Tried something new by breaking bibliography down by subtopics, let us know if helpful; soliciting ideas for next year. In future, perhaps rules can reinforce the importance of citation. Jody S-W talked about task bank. Is for practice only, not invitationals; also perhaps develop a constructive flow sheet 14. Storytelling—Max talked about idea to use Project Gutenberg. Was well-received so hope to implement for next year. If interested in helping to curate list, see Max. We don’t have a great way to get new blood on Storytelling and Extemp Rdg committees; please talk to committee chairs to get on. 15. ER—For 2017, new poetry book; same prose book; different story arc and new characters 16. HOF—Joni Anker looking for nominations for the MSHSL HOF, nominations must come from the body…nomination form on League website; submissions by Sept 16 17. New coaches mentorship—if you know of new coach, let Jody Saxton-West know 18. Encouraging future sessions by younger people at CTAM; Jody will help you through the process. 19. PD opportunities a. 1st year of judging cycle, so need to register. $15/2 years. Must go to coach clipboard. If you need password, call Melody at office b. State ballot is opt-in, need to complete application by Nov 1. Remember to vote. Last year about 100 people voted. NEW BUSINESS 1. Voted last year on revisions Unanimous support for tiebreakers in finals—use JP in 3-way time when possible 2, Zach spoke to rank adjustment in finals. Franson found it would have changed one champion last year, but it does affect more who is 3rd, 4th, 5th 3. Section Autonomy Develop committee for next year to look at section autonomy as to # of entries total and per category. See next page for volunteers... MSCA Committee volunteers for Section Autonomy Committee Name school email
Extemp Reading committee suggestions SHOULD BE MEMBER OF MSCA? Carol Sylvester—Rosemount Tzitel Voss—Apple Valley Kelly Donais—Eastview Pria Prashad—Eagan MSCA Executive Board Meeting
June 30, 2016 Lakeshore Grill-Ridgedale Macy’s In attendance: Jason Olson, Ceil McDonald, Mike Worcester, Zach Prax, Scott Sieling