2013 MSCA meeting, Sept 14
President Scott Sieling called the meeting to order. Our first item of business is to elect new members to the Speech Advisory committee.
A Advisory candidates Kathy Martin, Audry French, and Monica Sullivan
AA Advisory candidates...Jill Lofald, Bethany Piety, Thor Mattick, Sandy Nieland
ELECTION RESULTS: Jill Lofald and Kathy Martin are the new speech advisory members.
Secretary minutes from Sept 2012 approved
Don Fosburgh is stepping down after 26 years as our treasurer. Our deep thanks to him for his many years of service. Ross Eichele has stepped up to take on the duties. We have 187 current members. We have had some large miscellaneous expenses the last several years. Don thinks we should perhaps add other categories to account for some of these recurring expenses.
President elect Jason Olson said a few words...volunteer and you will get appointed! He thanks Scott for the changes he has already put in place, such as the new website.
Kathy, past president, no report
State tournament jury proposal...(Chris McDonald presents). We will elect 3 people to serve on the state tournament jury for a 3-year term. One representative will be elected from AA, one from A, and one at-large. For their term of service, these names will be removed from the judging pool for the state tournament.
Matthew Kolstad moved, Bonnie Spohn seconded.
Jury nominees are AA: Ceil McDonald, Becky Haven, Tim Coleman, Mark Thul, Jody Saxton-West, A candidates: Kristine Gruenberg, Margaret Kitterman
RESULTS OF VOTE: Jody Saxton West (AA), Margaret Kitterman (A) and Ceil McDonald (at large)
Chris McDonald gives board of directors report, also. Few issues for debate, speech, one act...but underlines the MSHSL insistence of completing the coaches clipboard. All coaches must take the first three tutorials!
President’s report included Minnesotan achievements at 2012 NFL tournament results. Added to the list is Cody Goodchild from St Michael-Albertville who was in finals of Senate.
Advisory committee update by Mark Thul. Spring meeting all done over email because no big issues needed to be decided. Ceil asked if the team trophy proposal for the state tournament had been discussed. Mark says no proposal was submitted for consideration.
Awards committee. Tim Coleman presented COY awards and recognition of coaches for longevity awards.
1 Patty Klinnert, Stewartville
2 Nancy Sponholz, Minnesota Valley Lutheran
3 Shannon Jensen, Russel Tyler Ruthron
4 Peter Jacobson and Janelle Laurent, Belle Plaine
5 Jody Markgraf, Kimball
6 Tim Larson, Osakis
7 Brian Schilling, Cromwell
8 Kathy Martin --DGF
A Coach of the Year: KATHY MARTIN
AA awards
1 Heather Finholm, Red Wing
2 Susan Marco, Dassel Cokato
3 Alex Carlson, East Ridge
4 Tim Coleman, Harding
5 Molly Leuthner, STMA
6 Maura Brew, BSM
7 Tim Newcomb Forest Lake
8 Jody Waltman, Little Falls
AA Coach of the Year: TIM NEWCOMB
5 year awards, etc (see print copy)
MSHSL Cliff Janke is the Rules Clinician
The MSHSL is looking for a school to host the State Speech tournaments in 2015 and 2016. Lakeville North is considering hosting...any others interested, please contact Chris Franson SOON!
Discussion outline, Rachel Shott. Please send us ideas. Voted by email as well as via the state tournament drop box so as to expand voting base
ER. Same books. See website/
STORYTELLING same book, last year.
MSHSL Hall of Fame. 2014 is an off year...Denny Swanson and Ken Knutson were inducted this past year.
New coach mentors... if you would like a mentor please contact Jody Saxton West.
State committee...Jill Lofald, Bethany Piety,
Old Business
Clipboard every two years
Team Trophy proposal…Ceil McDonald will find and resend.
Jill spoke about a possible banquet for the State tournament...would have to charge fee for schools...would people come down for a Thursday evening banquet before the start of the tournament?
Cliff reminds us that it would be difficult to plan for the correct number of attendees when many do not find out until one week before.
Ideas from CTAM sessions
Exploring 10 minute time limits. Contact if interested in serving on committee
Jenn Baese, consider offering a trial Original Advocacy at your invitational
Kathy Martin ERdg--people volunteer to offer an option at invitationals to try out the new ER proposal.
Enthusiastic reception at earlier session. Can we take a straw poll of approval today? Much discussion ensued.
Rick Purrington...will we have students that decide not to cut it at all, and then could rehearse all prep time? Will there be judge preference to first student over the last? What skill set would it be teaching? Hasty cutting? Where is literary analysis?
Ross Eichele...reponds...our kids will relish the opportunity for this challenge..Ross says he has not seen that play out, that quality of performance wins out, real life skills telling people about book or movie...
END of discussion…Will post on forums on our new webpage and will discuss.
Ethics session...attendees agree to craft a credo. Use NCA credo as a beginning place
Jill asking to see if someone picked up her scripts, please return
Cliff Janke announced three coaching clinics this fall
Oct 12-Fairmont
Oct 26-McGregor
Nov 13- Park HS, Cottage Grove
Section 4A is considering dropping subsections...Marie Kreft does survey of MSCA attendees...only 7A does not have subsection contests
Odd number Section reps should be updated
Jody and Anjannette Kraus from Little Falls on state tournament committee
President Scott Sieling called the meeting to order. Our first item of business is to elect new members to the Speech Advisory committee.
A Advisory candidates Kathy Martin, Audry French, and Monica Sullivan
AA Advisory candidates...Jill Lofald, Bethany Piety, Thor Mattick, Sandy Nieland
ELECTION RESULTS: Jill Lofald and Kathy Martin are the new speech advisory members.
Secretary minutes from Sept 2012 approved
Don Fosburgh is stepping down after 26 years as our treasurer. Our deep thanks to him for his many years of service. Ross Eichele has stepped up to take on the duties. We have 187 current members. We have had some large miscellaneous expenses the last several years. Don thinks we should perhaps add other categories to account for some of these recurring expenses.
President elect Jason Olson said a few words...volunteer and you will get appointed! He thanks Scott for the changes he has already put in place, such as the new website.
Kathy, past president, no report
State tournament jury proposal...(Chris McDonald presents). We will elect 3 people to serve on the state tournament jury for a 3-year term. One representative will be elected from AA, one from A, and one at-large. For their term of service, these names will be removed from the judging pool for the state tournament.
Matthew Kolstad moved, Bonnie Spohn seconded.
Jury nominees are AA: Ceil McDonald, Becky Haven, Tim Coleman, Mark Thul, Jody Saxton-West, A candidates: Kristine Gruenberg, Margaret Kitterman
RESULTS OF VOTE: Jody Saxton West (AA), Margaret Kitterman (A) and Ceil McDonald (at large)
Chris McDonald gives board of directors report, also. Few issues for debate, speech, one act...but underlines the MSHSL insistence of completing the coaches clipboard. All coaches must take the first three tutorials!
President’s report included Minnesotan achievements at 2012 NFL tournament results. Added to the list is Cody Goodchild from St Michael-Albertville who was in finals of Senate.
Advisory committee update by Mark Thul. Spring meeting all done over email because no big issues needed to be decided. Ceil asked if the team trophy proposal for the state tournament had been discussed. Mark says no proposal was submitted for consideration.
Awards committee. Tim Coleman presented COY awards and recognition of coaches for longevity awards.
1 Patty Klinnert, Stewartville
2 Nancy Sponholz, Minnesota Valley Lutheran
3 Shannon Jensen, Russel Tyler Ruthron
4 Peter Jacobson and Janelle Laurent, Belle Plaine
5 Jody Markgraf, Kimball
6 Tim Larson, Osakis
7 Brian Schilling, Cromwell
8 Kathy Martin --DGF
A Coach of the Year: KATHY MARTIN
AA awards
1 Heather Finholm, Red Wing
2 Susan Marco, Dassel Cokato
3 Alex Carlson, East Ridge
4 Tim Coleman, Harding
5 Molly Leuthner, STMA
6 Maura Brew, BSM
7 Tim Newcomb Forest Lake
8 Jody Waltman, Little Falls
AA Coach of the Year: TIM NEWCOMB
5 year awards, etc (see print copy)
MSHSL Cliff Janke is the Rules Clinician
The MSHSL is looking for a school to host the State Speech tournaments in 2015 and 2016. Lakeville North is considering hosting...any others interested, please contact Chris Franson SOON!
Discussion outline, Rachel Shott. Please send us ideas. Voted by email as well as via the state tournament drop box so as to expand voting base
ER. Same books. See website/
STORYTELLING same book, last year.
MSHSL Hall of Fame. 2014 is an off year...Denny Swanson and Ken Knutson were inducted this past year.
New coach mentors... if you would like a mentor please contact Jody Saxton West.
State committee...Jill Lofald, Bethany Piety,
Old Business
Clipboard every two years
Team Trophy proposal…Ceil McDonald will find and resend.
Jill spoke about a possible banquet for the State tournament...would have to charge fee for schools...would people come down for a Thursday evening banquet before the start of the tournament?
Cliff reminds us that it would be difficult to plan for the correct number of attendees when many do not find out until one week before.
Ideas from CTAM sessions
Exploring 10 minute time limits. Contact if interested in serving on committee
Jenn Baese, consider offering a trial Original Advocacy at your invitational
Kathy Martin ERdg--people volunteer to offer an option at invitationals to try out the new ER proposal.
Enthusiastic reception at earlier session. Can we take a straw poll of approval today? Much discussion ensued.
Rick Purrington...will we have students that decide not to cut it at all, and then could rehearse all prep time? Will there be judge preference to first student over the last? What skill set would it be teaching? Hasty cutting? Where is literary analysis?
Ross Eichele...reponds...our kids will relish the opportunity for this challenge..Ross says he has not seen that play out, that quality of performance wins out, real life skills telling people about book or movie...
END of discussion…Will post on forums on our new webpage and will discuss.
Ethics session...attendees agree to craft a credo. Use NCA credo as a beginning place
Jill asking to see if someone picked up her scripts, please return
Cliff Janke announced three coaching clinics this fall
Oct 12-Fairmont
Oct 26-McGregor
Nov 13- Park HS, Cottage Grove
Section 4A is considering dropping subsections...Marie Kreft does survey of MSCA attendees...only 7A does not have subsection contests
Odd number Section reps should be updated
Jody and Anjannette Kraus from Little Falls on state tournament committee