16 September 2017
MSCA Annual Meeting
1. President Worcester called the meeting to order.
Rachel Schott, “A” Rep through 2019
Need to elect new “AA” rep to replace Jody Saxton-West. An election was held with two candidates, Chris McDonald and Dillon White. Dillon White was elected.
2. The 2018 State Tournament will be hosted again at Apple Valley High School.
April 20 is AA and April 21 is A.
3. Wayzata HS will host in 2019 and 2020.
4. Any school interested in hosting in future years should contact Chris Franson
sooner rather than later. Many districts plan their calendar out 2-3 years ahead.
5. CLIFF.. We have a new process for protests at State. If you think there are rules
either unnecessary or needed, must send to speech advisory or directly to
Franson. Be sure to use his new email address.
E. Category Committees
V. NEW business:
D. MSCA email.
use school email that has spam filter.
2. Please fill our evaluation form for conference. Highest attendance this year, even beat
last year.
MSCA Annual Meeting
1. President Worcester called the meeting to order.
- Officer Reports:
- Secretary Ceil McDonald—minutes from September 2016 were approved.
- Treasurer Zach Prax—we have approximately $5000 after expenses. Currently we have 191 members. His report was approved.
- Past president, Jason Olson—thank you for the opportunity to serve. Hopes that we are pleased with the new initiatives under his leadership, including the inaugural All-state speech team.
- President-elect Kasey Wacker is looking forward to her opportunity to serve the organization.
- MSHSL Board of Director—Bonnie Spohn-Schmaltz is beginning the 2nd year of her 4-year term.
- The league added Congressional Debate to the state debate tournament, starting January 2018.
- Changes on the Board, the Executive Director, Dave Stead, is stepping down and moving to a part-time position.
- Bonnie is also on the executive committee and will have input on the new chair.
- President Mike Worcester--
- we need to reach out to those coaches who cannot be here. The more input we get, the better we are as an organization.
- When it comes to selecting judges for the state tournament, we need to do better. Perhaps 100 schools voted last year, only a third of those eligible. It matters! YOUR voice matters! If you don’t know 40 of the names, then vote for less than 40, but vote!
- Committee Reports
- Jason Olson, speech advisory report. Cliff had some concerns about possible interpretation of rules.
- Advisory Committee elections:
- AA candidates: Thor Mattick (Princeton); Carol Sylvester-Rosemount; Linda Negebauer, Worthington; Luke Ostrander, AV; Desiree Nieman-Lakeville South; Rachel Evenson, Thief River Falls; Tom Lukas, Bemidji. Runoff between Linda and Luke. Linda Negebauer was elected.
- A candidates: Stewart Wilson, Monica Sullivan, Pipestone; Kristi Sander, Fisher; Eric Meyer, Maple Lake Stewart Wilson was elected.
- State Tournament Jury—No comments from appeal committee
Rachel Schott, “A” Rep through 2019
Need to elect new “AA” rep to replace Jody Saxton-West. An election was held with two candidates, Chris McDonald and Dillon White. Dillon White was elected.
2. The 2018 State Tournament will be hosted again at Apple Valley High School.
April 20 is AA and April 21 is A.
3. Wayzata HS will host in 2019 and 2020.
4. Any school interested in hosting in future years should contact Chris Franson
sooner rather than later. Many districts plan their calendar out 2-3 years ahead.
5. CLIFF.. We have a new process for protests at State. If you think there are rules
either unnecessary or needed, must send to speech advisory or directly to
Franson. Be sure to use his new email address.
- website and fb: Scott Sieling in charge. Contact him with items/info to post.
- Speech calendar still on CTAM website. Also, put contact info on there for the tournament director
E. Category Committees
- Discussion: Rachel. See mshsl website. Soliciting ideas for future. Voting around state tournament time. (mobility of peoples) Tasks for sections will be date specific. Jody is doing the task bank again through MSCA listserv. Will also provide past topics to help new people write tasks.
- Storytelling: no book now. Stories from Project Gutenberg. PDF packet from MSHSL website. Can print or download on to desktop. Website has lots of background info.
- Extemp Rdg: Bradbury short stories; poetry is same as last year. Last year with this book. Send ideas for future books.
- HOF: Joni announced new inductee. Howie Vaillancourt stepping down, looking for new Class A rep.
- Coach Mentorship update. Looking for mentees and mentors. Will also work on NSDA mentors, if an NSDA school.
- PD opportunities: NSDA activities, Speak2Compete;
- Great sessions at CTAM. Some may lead to proposals; rules, 3-class,...section autonomy Next year may lead to serious discussions
V. NEW business:
- Heather Finholm, important to note that any emotion expressed is passion, not anger. We thank those who take on these tough positions. Mike added also those who serve as section reps.
- Sandy Nieland—follow-up to allowing students to use internet at invitationals? Disco and Extemp Spkg.
- Jen Baese—recurring themes about rules. Could be simpler? What function do the FAQs serve? Should some of that language be added to the rule or taken out entirely. Bigger than one CTAM session. Should it be committee work? Should Advisory look at this? Cliff says that a committee should look at this, and then send to advisory for decision-process. Jason wonders if we take as an example a sample category and start fresh...how simple can we make the rules? Rick P said in recent years, sessions came with proposals and then brought to MSCA and was fairly efficient.
- Volunteers for a committee: Jason Olson, Cal VandeHoef, Joni Anker, Jody Worcester, Amy French, Karen Lee (Parkers Prairie), Cliff Janke, Brett Johnson (Pillager), Amy Alberg, Tri-City United, Carol Sylvester, Debbie Fenlason, Wrenshall, Rachel Evenson, Thief River Falls, Jody Saxton West, Sandy Nieland, Luke Ostrander, AV, Ceil McDonald, Rebecca Meyer Larson, Bonnie Spohn, Chrysti Sander (Fisher) [email protected]; Mik Mikayla Curry, Melrose; Meg Krekler (Lakeville North); Bret Hemmerlin, Roseville; Jen Baese, Lakeville North; Jennifer Parker, Blackduck.
D. MSCA email.
- Mike W. reminds us that anyone who is not receiving emails from MSCA must
use school email that has spam filter.
2. Please fill our evaluation form for conference. Highest attendance this year, even beat
last year.