MSCA Spring Meeting Agenda – April 11 and April 12, 2014- Blaine High School
I .Call to order-Scott Sieling, MSCA President [email protected]
II. Officer Reports
A. Secretary-Ceil McDonald
B. Treasurer- Ross Eichle (Don Fosburgh stepped down after 26 years as treasurer)
C. President Elect-Jason Olson- term starts May 15, 2015
D. Past President- Kathy Martin
E. MSHSL Board of Directors-Chris McDonald
F. President Scott Sieling
III. Committee Reports
A. Advisory Committee
1. Mike Worcester (AA) and Rachel Schott (A)-terms expire 2014
2. Jill Lofald (AA) and Kathy Martin (A)-elected this fall. Terms expire 2015.
3. Next Advisory meeting – April, 2014
B. Awards Committee –Tim Coleman– Let Tim know your Section Speech Coach Award Winners (See attached-Fall awards)
1. Cliff Janke is new rules clinician.
2. State Tournament Jury is now elected by the MSCA. Jury members will serve a 3 year
term, with 1 AA coach, 1 A coach, and 1 at-large. Jury members are Jody Saxton West
(AA), Margaret Kitterman (A), and Ceil McDonald (at-large.)
D. MSCA Website
1. Create a username and password to contribute to discussion board.
2. Tournament Calendar-put your date on the website (through CTAM)
E. Category Committees
1. Discussion – Mike Wocester, Rachel Schott.-Voting
2. Extemp Reading- Kathy Martin
3. Storytelling- Marie Kreft, Kathleen Westgard
F. MSHSL Hall of Fame Committee - Joni Anker and Howard Vaillancourt
G. New Coach Mentorship Update Jody Saxton-West [email protected]
I. 10 Minute Time Limit committee-Mark Thul
IV. Old Business
A. Professional Development Opportunities
1. NSDA Professional Development and Accreditation
2. Gustavus Coaching Institute July 19-26, 2014
B. MSCA grant funds available.
V. New Business:
A. State next year at Lakeville North.
B. Nominations for awards through CTAM
C. CTAM: St. Cloud Holiday Inn, September 12-13, 2014.
D. CTAM Session Updates
1. 10 Minute Time Limit: Mark Thul
2. Original Advocacy: Jenn Baese
3. Ex. Reading proposal: Kathy Martin
4. Ethics:
MSCA "AA" Coach of the Year for 2013: Tim Newcomb, Forest Lake
MSCA “A” Coach of the Year for 2013: Kathy Martin, Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton
MSCA Years of Service Awards for 2013-14
5 years
William Deane (Dilworth Glyndon Felton)
Joe Drevlow (Thief River Falls)
Phyllis Hagen (Crookston)
Jill Hietala (Virginia)
Brianna Jensen (River Valley)
Erica Oehlerich (Mapleton)
Leanne Overlander (Redwing)
Tracy Striker (Park Christian)
10 years
Susan Christenson (Tracy-Milroy)
Janet Depuy (Redwood Area)
Renae Elert (Hill-Murray)
Crystal Hoekstra (Underwood High School)
Zach Prax (Chanhassen)
Travis Rother (Chanhassen)
Sean Voysey Olson (Eastview)
Valerie Williams (Winona)
15 years
Anna Amundson (Mib/vhs)
Audrey French (Milaca)
Judy Schue (Red Lake County)
Scott Sieling (Bloomington)
20 years
Jen Baese (Lakeville North)
Kari Kunze-Hoeg (Mounds Park Academy)
Tom Siekkinen (Rocori)
Cort Sylvester (Rosemount)
Mike Worcester (Buffalo)
25 years
Cal Vande Hoef (Cannon Falls)
30 years
Kelly Fahrni (Cambridge Isanti)
Margaret Kitterman (Sauk Centre)
35 years
Mark Quinlan (Centennial)
The Speech Advisory Committee, elected to represent Speech Coaches throughout the state, approved the following Rule and Policy edits and modifications. These have been adopted for 2013 -2014 competition:
1. Changed language in the Speech Rules from “Consultant” to “Rules Clinician” to reflect personnel changes.
2. Added language to Extemporaneous Reading Rules (and to Rank Adjustment provisions) clarifying penalty for reading “more of the selection than is included in the drawn cutting.” This clarification is consistent with current practice.
3. Added language to Storytelling Rules (and to Rank Adjustment provisions) clarifying penalty for making “revisions to the story’s actual events.” This clarification is consistent with current practice.
4. Changed language in Extemporaneous Speaking Rules to clarify that what was previously titled U.S. News and World Report is now called U.S. Weekly News (in what is now an online-only format).
5. Added language to Serious Poetry Interpretation Rules clarifying that, when a collection of poems is presented by a contestant, the individual poems must each be “clearly identified.” This edit responds to judges’ concerns that contestants sometimes “merge” poems without clarifying the source of each selection’s language.
6. Clarified current practice that “In the case of a declared violation or a decision in a disputed situation that results in disqualification or rank adjustment, the affected contestant’s coach will be notified.”
7. Added emphasis to the current requirement that scripts submitted at contests must include introductions and citations of sources used.
The Speech Advisory Committee and League officials also agreed to the following for 2013 -2014:
1. When timely notification of “drops” for the State Tournament create an imbalance among the four preliminary round sections of more than one contestant (i.e., four contestants in one section and six in one or more others), Tournament Management will “rebalance” sections using the following priorities:
a. A student will be selected from one of the largest remaining section that (1) ranked the same at his/her competitive Section as the lowest-ranked absent student, and (2) will not be placed in direct preliminary round competition with another student from his/her competitive Section.
b. In the case of multiple students’ being eligible to be moved, a blind draw by the MSHSL Tournament Director will determine who is moved.
c. Should a situation arise in which multiple students need to be moved, they are prioritized according to (1) smallest section, then (2) lowest missing seed.
d. After moving one student, all sections are reprioritized until relative section balance is achieved.
e. In addition to posting the change, all Room Managers of affected sections, whether by addition or subtraction, will announce the changes prior to the start of each round.
2. For the State Tournament, the limit of two judges from a single high school will apply only to the Class (A or AA) in which the judges’ school competes. The limit will be raised to three from a single school judging the other class. ·
3. League Staff will compose and post Rule Interpretations (FAQs) clarifying that students may use electronic readers and original publications as “scripts” during contest performances.
4. League Staff will compose and post Rule Interpretations (FAQs) clarifying acceptable use of music when singing, whistling, or humming is indicated in the text of the original selection.
In addition to changes recommended above, the Speech Advisory Committee hopes that communication among coaches, judges, and Committee members continues actively throughout the coming year(s) and has listed these issues among those that might be considered for the future:
1. Should Rules and Criteria for judging Discussion be revised to make the event more consistent with “real world” group problem-solving activities?
2. Should the name of (and perhaps also the Rules for) Great Speeches be revised?
3. Should the "quoted word" limits for Original Oratory and Informative Speaking be increased? Should submitting a Works Cited be required for these events?
4. Should the requirements regarding writing critiques at the State Contest be changed? Should critiques be written for Final Rounds? Should critiques be eliminated entirely or revised for all rounds?
5. Should rules for Extemporaneous Reading be revised to include drama selections (in addition to prose and poetry)? Should all contestants in Extemporaneous Reading be prepared to read all listed selections, regardless of genre (assuming the lists of selections are considerably shortened)?
6. Should all time limits (and grace periods) be reconsidered and perhaps revised?
7. Should MSHSL Speech Rules be made more consistent with National Forensic League rules?
8. Should MSCA consider naming Academic Champions in speech, much as is done by athletic coaches’ organizations?
9. Should the number and assignment of judges at the State Contest be reconsidered?
I .Call to order-Scott Sieling, MSCA President [email protected]
II. Officer Reports
A. Secretary-Ceil McDonald
B. Treasurer- Ross Eichle (Don Fosburgh stepped down after 26 years as treasurer)
C. President Elect-Jason Olson- term starts May 15, 2015
D. Past President- Kathy Martin
E. MSHSL Board of Directors-Chris McDonald
F. President Scott Sieling
III. Committee Reports
A. Advisory Committee
1. Mike Worcester (AA) and Rachel Schott (A)-terms expire 2014
2. Jill Lofald (AA) and Kathy Martin (A)-elected this fall. Terms expire 2015.
3. Next Advisory meeting – April, 2014
B. Awards Committee –Tim Coleman– Let Tim know your Section Speech Coach Award Winners (See attached-Fall awards)
1. Cliff Janke is new rules clinician.
2. State Tournament Jury is now elected by the MSCA. Jury members will serve a 3 year
term, with 1 AA coach, 1 A coach, and 1 at-large. Jury members are Jody Saxton West
(AA), Margaret Kitterman (A), and Ceil McDonald (at-large.)
D. MSCA Website
1. Create a username and password to contribute to discussion board.
2. Tournament Calendar-put your date on the website (through CTAM)
E. Category Committees
1. Discussion – Mike Wocester, Rachel Schott.-Voting
2. Extemp Reading- Kathy Martin
3. Storytelling- Marie Kreft, Kathleen Westgard
F. MSHSL Hall of Fame Committee - Joni Anker and Howard Vaillancourt
G. New Coach Mentorship Update Jody Saxton-West [email protected]
I. 10 Minute Time Limit committee-Mark Thul
IV. Old Business
A. Professional Development Opportunities
1. NSDA Professional Development and Accreditation
2. Gustavus Coaching Institute July 19-26, 2014
B. MSCA grant funds available.
V. New Business:
A. State next year at Lakeville North.
B. Nominations for awards through CTAM
C. CTAM: St. Cloud Holiday Inn, September 12-13, 2014.
D. CTAM Session Updates
1. 10 Minute Time Limit: Mark Thul
2. Original Advocacy: Jenn Baese
3. Ex. Reading proposal: Kathy Martin
4. Ethics:
MSCA "AA" Coach of the Year for 2013: Tim Newcomb, Forest Lake
MSCA “A” Coach of the Year for 2013: Kathy Martin, Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton
MSCA Years of Service Awards for 2013-14
5 years
William Deane (Dilworth Glyndon Felton)
Joe Drevlow (Thief River Falls)
Phyllis Hagen (Crookston)
Jill Hietala (Virginia)
Brianna Jensen (River Valley)
Erica Oehlerich (Mapleton)
Leanne Overlander (Redwing)
Tracy Striker (Park Christian)
10 years
Susan Christenson (Tracy-Milroy)
Janet Depuy (Redwood Area)
Renae Elert (Hill-Murray)
Crystal Hoekstra (Underwood High School)
Zach Prax (Chanhassen)
Travis Rother (Chanhassen)
Sean Voysey Olson (Eastview)
Valerie Williams (Winona)
15 years
Anna Amundson (Mib/vhs)
Audrey French (Milaca)
Judy Schue (Red Lake County)
Scott Sieling (Bloomington)
20 years
Jen Baese (Lakeville North)
Kari Kunze-Hoeg (Mounds Park Academy)
Tom Siekkinen (Rocori)
Cort Sylvester (Rosemount)
Mike Worcester (Buffalo)
25 years
Cal Vande Hoef (Cannon Falls)
30 years
Kelly Fahrni (Cambridge Isanti)
Margaret Kitterman (Sauk Centre)
35 years
Mark Quinlan (Centennial)
The Speech Advisory Committee, elected to represent Speech Coaches throughout the state, approved the following Rule and Policy edits and modifications. These have been adopted for 2013 -2014 competition:
1. Changed language in the Speech Rules from “Consultant” to “Rules Clinician” to reflect personnel changes.
2. Added language to Extemporaneous Reading Rules (and to Rank Adjustment provisions) clarifying penalty for reading “more of the selection than is included in the drawn cutting.” This clarification is consistent with current practice.
3. Added language to Storytelling Rules (and to Rank Adjustment provisions) clarifying penalty for making “revisions to the story’s actual events.” This clarification is consistent with current practice.
4. Changed language in Extemporaneous Speaking Rules to clarify that what was previously titled U.S. News and World Report is now called U.S. Weekly News (in what is now an online-only format).
5. Added language to Serious Poetry Interpretation Rules clarifying that, when a collection of poems is presented by a contestant, the individual poems must each be “clearly identified.” This edit responds to judges’ concerns that contestants sometimes “merge” poems without clarifying the source of each selection’s language.
6. Clarified current practice that “In the case of a declared violation or a decision in a disputed situation that results in disqualification or rank adjustment, the affected contestant’s coach will be notified.”
7. Added emphasis to the current requirement that scripts submitted at contests must include introductions and citations of sources used.
The Speech Advisory Committee and League officials also agreed to the following for 2013 -2014:
1. When timely notification of “drops” for the State Tournament create an imbalance among the four preliminary round sections of more than one contestant (i.e., four contestants in one section and six in one or more others), Tournament Management will “rebalance” sections using the following priorities:
a. A student will be selected from one of the largest remaining section that (1) ranked the same at his/her competitive Section as the lowest-ranked absent student, and (2) will not be placed in direct preliminary round competition with another student from his/her competitive Section.
b. In the case of multiple students’ being eligible to be moved, a blind draw by the MSHSL Tournament Director will determine who is moved.
c. Should a situation arise in which multiple students need to be moved, they are prioritized according to (1) smallest section, then (2) lowest missing seed.
d. After moving one student, all sections are reprioritized until relative section balance is achieved.
e. In addition to posting the change, all Room Managers of affected sections, whether by addition or subtraction, will announce the changes prior to the start of each round.
2. For the State Tournament, the limit of two judges from a single high school will apply only to the Class (A or AA) in which the judges’ school competes. The limit will be raised to three from a single school judging the other class. ·
3. League Staff will compose and post Rule Interpretations (FAQs) clarifying that students may use electronic readers and original publications as “scripts” during contest performances.
4. League Staff will compose and post Rule Interpretations (FAQs) clarifying acceptable use of music when singing, whistling, or humming is indicated in the text of the original selection.
In addition to changes recommended above, the Speech Advisory Committee hopes that communication among coaches, judges, and Committee members continues actively throughout the coming year(s) and has listed these issues among those that might be considered for the future:
1. Should Rules and Criteria for judging Discussion be revised to make the event more consistent with “real world” group problem-solving activities?
2. Should the name of (and perhaps also the Rules for) Great Speeches be revised?
3. Should the "quoted word" limits for Original Oratory and Informative Speaking be increased? Should submitting a Works Cited be required for these events?
4. Should the requirements regarding writing critiques at the State Contest be changed? Should critiques be written for Final Rounds? Should critiques be eliminated entirely or revised for all rounds?
5. Should rules for Extemporaneous Reading be revised to include drama selections (in addition to prose and poetry)? Should all contestants in Extemporaneous Reading be prepared to read all listed selections, regardless of genre (assuming the lists of selections are considerably shortened)?
6. Should all time limits (and grace periods) be reconsidered and perhaps revised?
7. Should MSHSL Speech Rules be made more consistent with National Forensic League rules?
8. Should MSCA consider naming Academic Champions in speech, much as is done by athletic coaches’ organizations?
9. Should the number and assignment of judges at the State Contest be reconsidered?